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University of Kentucky HIV Fellowship

A 12-month, two-position, non-accredited fellowship to provide a unique training enrichment opportunity in HIV. This encompasses HIV-related conditions and risk factors in key populations. Training to include: HIV, viral hepatitides, addiction medicine, infections related to injection drug use, sexually transmitted infections, hospice and palliative care, primary care for HIV, PEP/PrEP, mental health, rural experience, public health/harm reduction, homeless/marginally housed and LBGT-Q training.

Application Deadline: March 1

Program Length: 1 year

Related experience/interests: Residency program with a concentration in HIV

Eligibility: Physicians that have successfully completed internal medicine or family practice residencies, certified or certification-eligible physician assistants, and licensed or license-eligible nurse practitioners.

Location: Lexington, KY

Program Director: Nicholas Van Sickels, MD



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